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"神戸アートマルシェ 2024" 



川田画廊 Room No.914

2024年 4月19日 () - 21日 (日)  

sec08_wix900.jpg MEGUMI OHGURI:大栗恵 第12回カンヌ国際展覧会 Salon International du Monde de la Culture et des Arts M.C.A. 金賞受賞。代表的な展覧会に、Alfa Romeo Artists Project「I AM GIULIETTA. THE DRIVE ART」展、スパイラルホール、フランスの Photofolies 招聘企画展 「Paysage d’une fenêtre」 Galerie O’zart、国立新美術館 「未来を担う美術家たち DOMANI・明日」展、東京都写真美術館 「原点を、永遠に。」 展など。








Cité internationale des Arts に滞在。在仏中、2010年、第12回カンヌ国際展覧会 "Salon International du Monde de la Culture et des Arts M.C.A." 金賞受賞。


帰国後の主な展覧会に、アルファロメオ社 アーティストプロジェクト「I AM GIULIETTA. THE DRIVE ART」展 (青山スパイ

ラルガーデン/東京)、フランスの Photofolies en Touraineより招聘企画展「Paysage d’une fenêtre」(Galerie O’zart/トゥール

・フランス)、「未来を担う美術家たち DOMANI・明日」展 (国立新美術館)、「原点を、永遠に。」展 (東京都写真美術館) など。


2019年、ラトビアの首都リガにある写真・映像専門のアーティスト・イン・レジデンス Baltic Analog Labより招聘を受け、滞在

制作を行い、2021年、個展「Nowhere Room」(Space Place Gallery/ニジニ・タギル, ロシア) で発表。同年に、Nizhny Tagil Museum of Fine Artsにて個展を展開。





I was born in Kyoto City, Japan.

When I was enrolled in the Department of Architecture, Kyoto Seika University, I became aware of photography and got interested in expressing a sense of space through photographs. So I decide to go to the Japan Institute of Photography and Film to learn photography, and became a freelance photographer after graduation. While working as a full-time teacher at the institute above, kept on creating works. I also taught photography at Osaka Electro-Communication University. 

In 2007, I went to Paris under the auspices of Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artists. I stayed at Cité international des Arts which is the largest Artist in Residence in France. While in France, I received Gold Medal Award at Salon internationale du Monde de la culture et des arts M.C.A., Cannes, France.

After coming home, I participated in the following exhibitions and others: “I AM GIULIETTA. THE DRIVE ART Exhibition” ALFA ROMEO Project, Spiral Garden, Tokyo, Japan; “Paysage d’une fenêtre” Exhibition of Photofolies, Galerie O’zart, Tours, France; “17th DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow Exhibition” The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan; “Basically. Forever.” Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan, etc.

In 2019, I was invited as a photographer by the Baltic Analog Lab, an Artist in Residence specializing in photography and film in Riga, Latvia, to stayed and created artworks. 

In 2021, I held a solo exhibition “Nowhere Room” at Space Place Gallery in Nizhny Tagil, Russia, followed by a solo exhibition at the Nizhny Tagil Museum of Fine Arts. 

My atelier being based in Hyogo, I keep on trying to express the sense of traditional Japanese atmosphere in the constructive framework which I learned in Paris.






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