Cité internationale des Arts に滞在。在仏中、2010年、第12回カンヌ国際展覧会 "Salon International du Monde de la Culture et des Arts M.C.A." 金賞受賞。
帰国後の主な展覧会に、アルファロメオ社 アーティストプロジェクト「I AM GIULIETTA. THE DRIVE ART」展 (青山スパイ
ラルガーデン/東京)、フランスの Photofolies en Touraineより招聘企画展「Paysage d’une fenêtre」(Galerie O’zart/トゥール
・フランス)、「未来を担う美術家たち DOMANI・明日」展 (国立新美術館)、「原点を、永遠に。」展 (東京都写真美術館) など。
2019年、ラトビアの首都リガにある写真・映像専門のアーティスト・イン・レジデンス Baltic Analog Labより招聘を受け、滞在
制作を行い、2021年、個展「Nowhere Room」(Space Place Gallery/ニジニ・タギル, ロシア) で発表。同年に、Nizhny Tagil Museum of Fine Artsにて個展を展開。
I was born in Kyoto City, Japan.
When I was enrolled in the Department of Architecture, Kyoto Seika University, I became aware of photography and got interested in expressing a sense of space through photographs. So I decide to go to the Japan Institute of Photography and Film to learn photography, and became a freelance photographer after graduation. While working as a full-time teacher at the institute above, I kept on creating works. I also taught photography at Osaka Electro-Communication University.
In 2007, I went to Paris under the auspices of Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artists. I stayed at Cité international des Arts which is the largest Artist in Residence in France. While in France, I received Gold Medal Award at Salon internationale du Monde de la culture et des arts M.C.A., Cannes, France.
After coming home, I participated in the following exhibitions and others: “I AM GIULIETTA. THE DRIVE ART Exhibition” ALFA ROMEO Project, Spiral Garden, Tokyo, Japan; “Paysage d’une fenêtre” Exhibition of Photofolies, Galerie O’zart, Tours, France; “17th DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow Exhibition” The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan; “Basically. Forever.” Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan, etc.
In 2019, I was invited as a photographer by the Baltic Analog Lab, an Artist in Residence specializing in photography and film in Riga, Latvia, to stayed and created artworks.
In 2021, I held a solo exhibition “Nowhere Room” at Space Place Gallery in Nizhny Tagil, Russia, followed by a solo exhibition at the Nizhny Tagil Museum of Fine Arts.
My atelier being based in Hyogo, I keep on trying to express the sense of traditional Japanese atmosphere in the constructive framework which I learned in Paris.

